L98D-495-20000 - 20000 mm
L98D-495-40000 - 40000 mm
L98D-495-50000 - 50000 mm
L98D-495-60000 - 60000 mm
L98D-495-70000 - 70000 mm
L98D-495-80000 - 80000 mm
Other length are available on request
The FTTA fiber trunk is a fiber optical cable assembly that is connecting base stations and remote radio heads in telecommunication applications. The fiber end on top, is terminated in a fiber housing that ensures full protection to the fiber ends at a minimum of wind load for your installation. Hoisting of the assembly is possible by using the hoisting grip on the main cable. The product can be used indoor and outdoor. All components are UV and IP protected. Cable meets CPR class Dca
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Dekant AS representerer og er en godkjent partner for Rosenberger Site Solutions i Norge.
Vi leverer følgende produkter fra Rosenberger:
Coax Feeders, Jumpers & Connectors
Connectivity Boxes
Concealment and Streetwork Solutions
Passive DAS
Installation Material & Accessories
GPS over Fiber System
PIM Analyzer & Optical Test-kit
Kontakt oss på sales@dekant.no for mer informasjon.
